Almaty, Charyn Canyon, Kaindy Lake & Kolsai Lake

My first time in Kazakhstan, and it was great.
The “classic” is a tour at the Charyn Canyon, Kaindy Lake and Kolsai Lake. You can do it in one day (like I did) or 2 days. What’s the best?
Obviously 1 day tour is cheaper, but, not enough time in the canyon. So, if you can afford it, a 2 days tour is better…..

Did not spend enough time….. need to come back!

Nice, clean, modern city, at the food steps of the moutains…. I love it!!!
The ski jump is absolutely amazing, first time I saw one close….. It take a lot of guts to jump from the big one…..
Almaty Green Bazaar. A must see, especially the meat section. Very well organized and very clean. Want to eat a hors rib?
In case you want to go to Biskek, Kyrgyzstan from Almati, like I did, you have a few options:
* The one everyone recommend, is:
– Take a taxi from your hotel to the bus station.
– Take the bus from Almaty bus station to the border.
– Cross the border on foot.
– Get back to the bus the Bishkek bus station.
_ get a taxi to your hotel…..
Well, if you are young and safe money, that is the longest and cheapest way.
If you want the fastest, but most expensive way (Like I did) for 100$ here what you do.
– Get a taxi (Yandex, the local Uber) from your hotel to the border. 80$ for me
– Cross the border on foot.
– Take a taxi from the border to your hotel (a fix price of 25$). 100$ may be expensive for you, but so much faster and easier…

Stayed only 3 days, not enough….. maybe come back in the winter to see a ski jump competition….

Charyn Canyon

The Asian Grand Canyon, as they call it here….
Unfortunately, I was not able to walk all the way in the bottom of the canyon, and did not have time to see it from the top. That is the bad thing to join a tour….. At least plan to spend a few hours in the canyon so you can really enjoy it.

Kaindy Lake

The most beautiful lake I have ever seen…. and, if you are as lucky as me for the sky color… it is abosulety gorgious …

The ride to the lake must be done by authorized Vehicules, usually those old Russians 4×4…… sporty ride…. but, it is all fun….
The best of the best, will be…… by myself, no tourists, just enjoying the lake beauty…. Maybe coming back during the next COVID…..

Kolsai Lake

Nice lake with a nice watercolor. Easy access, possibility to rent a pedal boat for a romantic ride….